What is Keto?

Although the ketogenic diet has only become increasingly popular over the last decade or so, it was first designed in 1924 by Dr.Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic.    

The ketogenic diet is a low carb, high fat diet that offers many health benefits including weight loss and overall health improvement.

The reduction of carbs and increase in fats in the diet puts the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. When this happens, the body becomes more efficient at burning fat for energy.

How does it work?

When the body enters ketosis, it begins to use fat for fuel instead of carbs. During the process, the body also begins to turn fat into ketones in the liver, which supply energy for the brain.

What are Ketones?

When the body burns fat, it produces three bi-products of fat breakdown. 

When an individual begins to follow a low carbohydrate diet, the body has to look for another fuel source, and it turns to fatty acids and fat stores to provide that much needed energy. The liver breaks down the fat, and releases ketones into the blood to be used by the brain and other organs to produce energy.

The Difference Between Ketones & the Keto Diet

The Benefits of Ketones

KETO//OS® NAT™ is the ONLY exogenous ketone in the WORLD created through a process of natural fermentation.

Inspired by ketone research through the Department of Defense and Office of the Navy, Prüvit’s KETO//OS® Ketone Operating System acts like a 4th macronutrient that delivers superhuman performance fuel to better optimize health, fitness, and wellness.

Inspired by ketone research through the Department of Defense and Office of the Navy, Prüvit’s KETO//OS® Ketone Operating System acts like a 4th macronutrient that delivers superhuman performance fuel to better optimize health, fitness, and wellness.

Learn more about the benefits of supplementing
with exogenous ketones:

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